Bumbles went out for a walk in the river valley near his home. At sunset he climbed a hill. Something new found him.1 Being an artist photographer he related as the blue disc pulsed in his coat pocket. Of course he didn’t notice.

He dreamt that night. In the morning after recording his dream, feeling very disturbed by his dream experience he wrote a poem:
Dark Star Turns
Walking in nature
River valley eroded
Slopes of golden earth
Washing away
A woman walks past
In her hands
4 pointed black star
“I’m in pain” she says
Another woman
More known to me
Standing behind a low wall
Turning the dark star
“I’m dying” she says
Forehead deeply frowning
“Can I help” I say
“Apocalyptic” says she
Cradling her head
So sensitive to touch
She’s dying in my arms
Later in the evening, riding a stationary bike Bumbles feels his mouth speak out:
Abscesses Everywhere
My mouth wants to explode with anger over willfulness
Power and control through will
The mantra of our day
In service to narcissistic egos
See me
Admire me
Follow me
I Will you to
I WILL use your desires against you
You may not know it is my WILL
Behind the smiling pictures I post
The successful life of shallow
My teeth fall out
My gums bleed
Over the Dark Star of Will
Turning and turning you around
Turning and turning our souls
Into Gordian knots of death
A dark angel’s got you
On a starry cross
Unless you let go Of WILL
Bleed, BLEED into the abyss
Of You
Deep in your chasm
A bubbling voice
Of love
Guarded by
Silver crowned
Cockroach queen
What’s not to love?
Says she
Bumbles felt it was best to have the reader look up palimpsest and read John Woodcock’s article, then look at the second picture again.
(1) Woodcock, John. Palimpsest: Phenomemology of a Possible Space-Time, Academia.edu., February 20, 2023