I have decided to change the direction of this web site because the story that I have been living has turned a page and a new chapter wants to begin. The last chapter involved my coming to a deeper understanding of how the threads of the old story of the people were woven in to my life, distorting my relationships with nature, myself and other people.
Individuals who write about the development of human consciousness suggest that from the very beginning of human life we have used story telling, myth making and symbol connection to explain why we are here on Earth, what our lives mean and where we are going in the future. These parts include our hearts, bodies, mind and what I call our deep psyche. The first three being more subjective in nature, the last, if one descends deep enough, may be objective. THE OTHER WHO WISHES TO SPEAK AND TO BE HEARD.
Earlier in my depth work most of my experiences involved unearthing the various unconscious or darkened corners of myself that I had disowned, neglected, rejected or feared, those joyful loving parts, the dark/’evil’ bits and so on. I experienced a lot of suffering and pain going through this descent. Eventually I worked through to a place where I could begin to experience and understand (not rationally, more poetically/artistically) that something within me desired to speak to and through me and something outside of myself in nature desired to speak to me as well. I found that they are the same voice. And so my heart and soul desired a deepening of their connection with the inner and outer OTHER.
From the voices in the darkness within ourselves and in nature, the lament of the dead so to speak, a new story of the people and the Earth can be created over time. It is clear to me the old story needs to die, is dying. In the end this dying will likely destroy a large part of what we consider the heart, the life force, and beauty of the natural world. In the ashes of this destruction as we open our hearts to a new way of relating to ourselves and the Earth we will begin the healing of Gaia and all life that remains.
Human adaptability can sustain life where it might perish. The will and instinct to survive can be destructive when we live unconsciously, out of a balance with nature. This adaptability may also allow us to survive long enough to create a new mythology of the people using our creative gift, imagination. Tempered with the memory of our past destructiveness an organic new story of life can be woven in to the world.
I believe that the world of nature and of the human psyche are part of the same thing-the Mystery of Life. Through experiences in nature and in my dreams over many years I have come to recognize that I have been missing Mystery’s attempts to communicate with me. Now I am opening more and more to this joyful and difficult communication.
My desire is that my web site becomes a place where individuals can see the evolution of my story. Not in a narcissistic way but to have a glimpse into the creative and imaginative process any individual can undertake for their own healing and that of the Earth.