Stories are all around us in a variety of forms. They come from inside us too. Generally they inhabit us. Simply by living we weave these outer and inner narratives together to form a tapestry of images that we relate to consciously and unconsciously in order to navigate in our lives. These images provide the ground we stand on. We all experience lives that seem to go in directions that we don’t expect, where our behaviour surprises us or old patterns repeat themselves. These experiences relate to living in a tapestry that is in some respects disconnected from our true hearts and souls. In fact the tapestry we carry might be seen as our fate. The two dominant stories of separation from nature and self-interest that I mentioned earlier in “Story Mind, Play, Creativity and Wholeness” are deeply woven into our individual and social tapestries. If we carry them to their ends then we will fulfill our fate as a species. In order to get out of this mess requires the creation of new stories and new ways of being and living in the world. My experience in depth psychology has been about teasing apart the threads of my own personal inner fabric so that I can become more conscious of the unconsciousness stories in myself and in the world. In Natures Spark http://www.naturesspark.blogspot.ca/ I tell the tale of my own reconnection to nature, my soul and my heart by walking on a trail in the river valley where I live. I also describe in somewhat vitriolic terms my feelings about corporations and politicians. I realize now that although we need to be aware of some groups or individuals trying to have more and more control over our lives I needed to see that reacting as I did put me in a position of being the ‘good’ in good versus evil which is part of the whole separation story. Take a look at the blog by Charles Eisentsein “The Lovely Lady from Nestle” at http://www.charleseisenstein.net/category/news/ for an expansion of this viewpoint. As I walked in the river valley I began to reconnect to my roots, to open myself at first to the feelings that came alive in me when I was a child. Becoming aware of what I was experiencing was another step in changing my own story. Deepening this experience felt very important to me so I began bringing my camera along as I walked. I explain this in more detail in my earlier blog. Looking back at what happened I can say that I started to play, to play seriously. The camera was there to record the reconnection of my soul to something that was trying to speak to me in and through nature. Call it spirit, Anima mundi, Gaia it doesn’t matter. The point was that my heart opened and I experienced joy through this creative experience. The old stories loosened a bit more.